Stretch marks or striae.
Stretch marks are often caused by growth, weight gain or loss in a short period. Because this suddenly happens it causes a tear in the middle layer (the dermis) of your skin and a crack in the collagen and elastin fibers. The sooner you start to treat them how more chance you have of fading them.
The steps you can take are:
- Moisturizer that containes cocoa butter, this hydrates the skin, apply 2-4 times a day.
- Wheat germ oil, this improve stretch marks in their early phase
- Glycolic acid, increase collagen
- Vitamin C, can increase collagen in the early phase
- Retinoids, increase collagen and elastin in the early phase

Dark spot.
Dark spots can be caused by popping a pimple wich leads to 'post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation'. If you have a healing inflamed pimple your skin overproduces melanin wich darkens the skin. Some of these spots dissapear and some don't. Remember fading is just a matter of time.
- African black soap this evens out the skintone
- Vitamin E, Aloe vera and plain yogurt will speed up the healing process
- Lemon juice, has an bleaching effect use this 2 times a day and rinse after 15 minutes
- Cocoa butter, hydrates the skin
- Shea butter, fades scars
Home made bleach.
- Milk is a good natural resource fir treating dark spot
- Parsley juice with orange- lemon an red carrot juice works well for wreckles and brown spots
- Citrus fruits wich are rich in vitamin C is a good natural bleach
- Dry orange skin powder with rose water is effective for removing dark spots
- Honey has several skin renewing propeties. (You can mixe it with wheat germ for an more effective treatment)
- Cucumbers and apricots is very powerful for reducing dark spots
- Make a face mask of curd and cucumber juice and apply it at least once a week
- Rub slices of raw patatoes over your face and neck this helps reduce blemishes
Natural bleach regimen.
Wash your face with baking soda mixed with a few tablespoons of oatmeal, rub it in and let it dry. Wash off with cold water. And put on an overnight mixture. The over night mixtures that you can use are: EVOO, lemon juice and egg white/EVOO, grape, lemon and oatmeal or tomato, lemon and egg white.
Or you can wash your face with an olive oil soap , tone with rose water and moisturize with aloe vera gel and grape seed oil. In the evening remove your make-up with olive oil and wash with the olive oil soap, tone with lemon juice and moistuze with aloe vera gel and shea butter.
1 people had something to say:
very helpful
thank you..
i break out easily and have dark spots..ugh!
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