Friday: Friday i had a day off and my babyboo also came back from London that day. I've missed him! We spended the whole day together. And he got me a present. I need to find a cute place to put it.

Saturday: Saturday we went to Amsterdam. I had to wake up early (wich i hate in the weekend). We toke the train and the metro to get at Dr. Fish. Dr. Fish is place where they have those little fish wich eat all your dead skin. At first it was slight scary but after you put your feet and hands in it, it is a plesant feeling. It will tickle at the beginning but when you get used to it it feels like a soft massage. Then we got a manicure, some snacks and a drink called AmarulA (this thing is good!). As gift we got to keep the nailpolish we picked out. After we this we went to the city and it was pooring! So we didn't get to all the stores because i was the only one with an umbrella. But i had a fun time shopping!
Sunday: I had an Easter brunch with the family, made some more clip-ins, stayed lazy in bed because i'm tired from yesterday and learned math for my three hour long exam on thuesday. Wish me luck on!
'Shoppings from the past week'
Sephora had an action 3 products for 10,-
I bought the Base sublimatrice primer, atomic volume mascara and a powder - not included in the picture.
I also got my favorite lipgloss - i lost mine a few weeks ago it was still half full. It's Bourjois 3D effect in Beige theoric and an eyeliner Liner stylo. They both were 50% off!

I'm not shure about the O.P.I. nailpolish in Elephantastic pink it's very simular with a cheap nailpolish B&I i got on holiday so i think i'm gonna return it if they take it back?
'Shoppings from Amsterdam'

And a happy late easter!
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