18 November, 2010


So, i got Bobbi Boss Yaki straight in my hair in the color 1B. And i just dooon'tt like this hair! At first it was the bom, after a month it was sh*t quality! Ugh, and i'm still trying to bring it to live but i curled it a few weeks ago when it looked decent.

2 people had something to say:

The CJunkie.. said...

The wayy ive researched this hair on youtube for months loooooool... and it looks soo Beauutifull on your pics!
but what do mean in terms of quality :S (sevre sheddin? tangling?)

Buki xo

Lsje said...

Ahw, Thank you!
The hair is beautifull! But i did expect more, It sheds just like a normal weave and it does not tangle badly. The only time i do experience tangeling is when i am washing it. And i wash gently so i don't know how to prevent that.. But when you try to comb it out in the shower it sheds badly! That's the only con about it!
